Box Hill Track Monitoring, Victoria

Track monitoring in Victoria Australia

Track Monitoring at Box Hill, Victoria

Systems installed:

The Prospect Box Hill project is to be a 25-level apartment building located adjacent to the Belgrave/Lilydale train line and 200m from Box Hill station. The overall design called for five sub-surface levels requiring earthworks, anchoring, and piling. Given the proximity to the rail line and the depth of the proposed excavation, Metro Trains Melbourne (MTM) required the monitoring of the nearest track to indicate if any deformation occurred in the rail.

Track Monitoring Solution

Geomotion’s solution to the track monitoring was the use of Loadsensing Tiltmeters attached to the sleepers at regular intervals along the length of the excavation. These tiltmeters measure the cant or twist experienced by the sleepers and provide near real-time monitoring and notification of track deformation. In conjunction with these, a Loadsensing Gateway was installed.

Geomotion Cloud web-based software was provided to host and display the data. A settlement profile was created along a 60m chainage of track, along with automated alarms and reporting.

Difficulties always arise when accessing live rail corridors for any works. The solution selected by Geomotion’s Application Engineers provided a quick installation for the client and a remote wireless monitoring solution which overcame ongoing monitoring challenges. All site instrumentation was able to be successfully installed and commission in a short space of time. A combined effort in investigation and planning overcame these challenges, so all site instrumentation was able to be successfully installed and commissioned in a short space of time.

Contact Geomotion to discuss about your track monitoring project.

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