D2G Ipswich Motorway Upgrade, Queensland

D2G Ipswich Motorway Upgrade, ​Queensland Australia
Client: Origin Alliance
Project: D2G Ipswich Motorway Upgrade
Job: Mine Subsidence Monitoring

System Installed:

  • Rod Extensometers
  • Radio Loggers
  • I-Site Data Presentation

Contact us to discuss about your infrastructure project.


The Ipswich Motorway upgrade project was funded by the Australian Federal Government renewing 8 km of motorway between Dinmore and Goodna. Construction works started in mid 2009 and was completed in 2012. It was one of the largest Road Alliance Projects ever undertaken in Queensland.

Geomotion oversaw the installation of over 2km of rods in boreholes across the Dinmore to Goodna site. Each rod had anchors at even depths to monitor subsidence occurring in the mines below the construction site. Each rod was connected to a vibrating wire displacement transducer and read via a radio transmitter.

Data was collected and displayed in the main office using I-Site Data Presentation Software.

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