​For the measurement and control of water pressures in soil and rock, the Hydraulic Piezometer is able to measure both positive and negative pressures.

The Hydraulic Piezometer is used for accurately measuring pore water pressures in fully or partially saturated soil and rock. The system comprises a porous ceramic piezometer tip sealed into the measuring horizon and connected to a remote measuring position via twin nylon hydraulically filled tubes.

The piezometer measures overall hydraulic pressure from which pore pressures can be calculated.

Product Features

  • Simple and reliable device
  • Accurate with excellent long term stability
  • Fast response to pressure changes
  • Inaccuracies due to air entrapment and gas accumulation at the piezometer tip are avoided
  • Capable of measuring pore pressures from 2000 kPa to –50 kPa

Product Benefits

  • No electronic components in tip ensures long-term reliability
  • Twin hydraulic tubing is strong, flexible and suitable for long-term use
  • Comprises all non-corroding materials
  • Pressure measurement takes place at the terminal location and not within the piezometer tip


The Hydraulic Piezometer is designed for the accurate measurement of pore water pressures in fully or partially saturated soil and rock.

The Piezometer tip comprises a porous ceramic filter vessel. Twin hydraulic tubes connect each filter tip to a remote reading terminal where the hydraulic pressure may be read by either a Bourdon gauge or an electrical pressure transducer.

The hydraulic system is flushable so that air or gas accumulation at the piezometer filter tip which can produce reading inaccuracies and time lag, can be fully removed to provide a ‘hard’ hydraulic circuit. In addition, the hydraulic piezometer system may be used for constant head permeability testing of the ground in which the piezometer tips are installed.


Piezometers are used in geotechnical, environmental, and hydrological applications. They can be installed in boreholes and placed in fill materials or open wells to measure water levels or pore water pressures to enable engineers to verify design assumptions and control placement of fill.

Typical applications of the hydraulic piezometer include:

  • For environmental management including landfill sites
  • Monitoring of aquifers
  • Monitor tidal effects on coastal soils
  • Dams
  • Embankments
  • Potential landslide sites
  • Dewatering excavations
  • Tailings lagoons
  • Pumping tests
  • Monitor seepage
  • Control placement of fill

Geomotion offer installation and monitoring services to support this system. For more information please email info@geomotion.com.au or contact any of our locations.

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