Newman Hub, Western Australia

Newman Hub, ​Western Australia

Client: MPDJV
Project: RGP4 Newman Hub
Job: TLO Load Monitoring

System Installed:

  • 105 Vibrating Wire Pressure Cells
  • Next G Data Retrieval
  • Campbell CR1000 Data Logger
  • I-Site Data Presentation


As part of the Rapid Growth Project 4 (RGP4), a dual trail load out structure and stockpile were constructed in the Newman Hub by the Mount Whaleback ore body.

In order to gain the neccessary information to reduce conservatism in future designs, MPD JV commissioned Geomotion to oversee the installation of 105 vibrating wire oil filled pressure cells on the walls and roof of the structure. ​

The sensors are queried every hour, and each day the data is transferred via FTP to the head offices in Perth.

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