Blackbutt Range Restoration, Queensland

Blackbutt Range Restoration, ​Queensland Australia
Client: VDM Group
Project: Blackbutt Range Restoration
Job: Landslide Monitoring

System Installed:

  • Vertical In-Place Inclinometers
  • Vibrating Wire Piezometers
  • Data Loggers
  • ARGUS Presentation Software

Contact us to discuss about your infrastructure project.


VDM was appointed the restoration works to upgrade the D’Aguilar Highway Blackbutt range crossing as a result of nine slips which developed in January 2011. Work carried out under traffic signals with single lane traffic control over a 3km section.

VDM delivered the project under the National Disaster Relief Recovery Assistance (NDRRA) Programme and as a continuation of the FREW contract awarded in January 2011.

VDM used Geomotion to monitor the ground movement and possible fail points to give forewarning and indication to whether the ground would remain stable for the works going on. To do this Geomotion provided the full service of supply, install and monitor for 24 vertical in-place inclinometers, six VW piezometers and three data loggers. The data was then processed and presented by Geomotion using the ARGUS software.

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