​The Railway Deformation System (RDS) is designed to monitor railway track longitudinal and transversal deformation. ​

The system consists of a chain of aluminium beams with incorporated Digital Tilt Meters (for longitudinal deformation monitoring), Digital Tilt Meters mounted on the sleepers (to monitor the twisting of the track), an Automatic Data Acquisition System (recommended the OMNIAlog) with a GPRS-UMTS data transmission and the WMS (Web Monitoring System) web platform software. ​

The RDS System is the optimal solution for railway track monitoring if the engineers need high accurate and automatic monitoring with an early warning system, avoiding interruption of the rail traffic.

Railway Deformation System to monitor railway tracks


RDS is often installed on a railway track section that requires high-precision monitoring due to interference typically caused by tunnelling construction, excavation under or near the railway and if the railway track is possibly affected by landslide, or if the track is constructed on a unstable slope. The Railway Deformation System (RDS) has been successfully installed in many projects including Central Station in Sydney, the Milan-Bologna high speed railway, the Milan Metro and the Rome Metro.

Railway track monitoring system
RDS monitoring in Sydney Australia

Geomotion offer installation and monitoring services to support this system. For more information please email info@geomotion.com.au or contact any of our locations.

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