Combined Inclinometer Extensometer

The IPI-X is designed to be installed in inclinometer casing to automatically measure settlement or heave, together with tilt for full 3D borehole profiling.

The IPI-X is an Automatic Magnetic Extensometer combined with an In-Place Inclinometer which can be used typically to measure vertical and horizontal displacement in embankments, dam foundations, deep foundations and around tunnels and diaphragm walls.

It comprises an In-place Inclinometer with the addition of a low power digital Magnetic Positional Sensor inside the adjoining extension rod. The system is  placed vertically within inclinometer casing in a borehole.

Magnetic targets are positioned at various locations along the length of the inclinometer casing corresponding to the location of the Magnetic Positional Sensors. Vertical displacement is measured by the relative position of the magnetic targets from their original position.

Horizontal displacement is measured through tilt by the In-Place Inclinometer to provide a 3D profile of the borehole. All the digital sensors are BUSSED together allowing fast and reliable communication.

Any combination of extension rod lengths (1, 1.5, 2 & 2.5m) and IPIs (0.5m) can be used so that sensors can be located at the required depths.

To provide an absolute reference for vertical displacement, the bottom magnetic target should be installed into stable ground together with a geodetic survey of the top of the installation.

Product Features

  • Single borehole for settlement and inclination
  • Automatic monitoring of settlement or heave
  • Automatic monitoring of inclination
  • 3D borehole profile

Product Benefits

  • Used with standard inclinometer casing
  • Low power digital BUS sensor
  • High accuracy
  • High resolution
  • Vertical settlement range up to 400mm
  • Robust rod quick connectors


The inclinometer casing and magnets are installed and grouted vertically in the borehole, following this the sensors are installed suspended from the top hanger in a preconfigured arrangement to target areas requiring settlement and inclination data.

Digital data from the sensors are BUSSED together and acquired through a datalogging system to allow for fast and reliable automated monitoring. ​


The IPI-X In-Place Inclinometer / Extensometer is used for the automatic measurement of settlement in:

  • Tunnels, mines and underground structures
  • Deep excavations
  • Earthfill embankment dam construction and monitoring
  • Upstream tailings dam raises
  • Pre-load and surcharge monitoring
  • Rock displacement
  • Embankment monitoring

Geomotion offer installation and monitoring services to support this system. For more information please email or contact any of our locations.

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